Field Experience Photo Essay
Field Experience One: The Beauty of Service

We arrived at a village with the PHRII staff and prepared to unload all of the equipment necessary for the cervical cancer screenings.

Our first task was to clean and clear the screening room as best as possible for a good set up.

We were able to provide services to many woman that day and I am proud to have been a part of it. These kids loved to see new faces and we were sad to have to go so soon. Untill next time!

We arrived at a village with the PHRII staff and prepared to unload all of the equipment necessary for the cervical cancer screenings.
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Field Experience Two: A Gift of Nature (Ayurvedic Medicine)

This college also has a hospital attached to it. It was a very unique experience and one of my favorite hospital visits because Ayurvedic medicine is not practiced in the United States. Thus, it was a great opportunity to visit an actual institution designed for this type of medical practice.

I found it interesting that the first thing you see when you walk into JSS are statues of Gods. In times of sickness, people turn to their religion for hope. This hospital represents all things natural.

We were given the opportunity to meet for a individual consultations for prescriptions to try these amazing medicines for ourselves! Thank you to Dr. Shruthi for taking the time out of her day to show us what Ayurvedic medicine is all about.

This college also has a hospital attached to it. It was a very unique experience and one of my favorite hospital visits because Ayurvedic medicine is not practiced in the United States. Thus, it was a great opportunity to visit an actual institution designed for this type of medical practice.
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